The author brings in his study new unpublished documents about the accreditation in 1887 of Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles as British Minister plenipotentiary at Bucharest. He was educated at Harrow College from London and joined the Diplomatic Service in 1861. He served at the British Embassies in Madrid, Paris, Rome Washington, Atena, and was Consul General in Egypt and Bulgaria. He was Minister to Romania from 1887 to 1891 and he proved professionalism and objectivity in his duties.
Cuvinte cheie: diplomaţie, relaţii internaţionale, România, Marea Britanie
Key words: diplomacy, international relations, Romania, Great Britain
La 3/15 ianuarie 1887, însărcinatul cu afaceri al Legaţiei britanice, Condie Stephen, era primit în audienţă oficială la Regele Carol I pentru a prezenta scrisorile de rechemare a lui Sir William White, ce îndeplinise cu onoare funcţia de trimis extraordinar şi ministru plenipotenţiar al Marii Britanii la Bucureşti . El avea să fie înlocuit de Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles, fostul Consul general englez la Sofia (1879-1887).
Noul trimis extraordinar la Bucureşti se născuse la 23 martie 1841 la Londra şi intrase în serviciul diplomatic în cursul anului 1861, după ce îşi desăvârşise studiile la celebrul colegiu Harrow din capitala Marii Britanii. El avea să dobândească experienţă prin îndeplinirea mai multor misiuni diplomatice pe lângă ambasadele britanice din Madrid, Paris, Roma, Washington, Atena şi Egipt .
După sosirea la Bucureşti avea să fie primit în audienţă de ministrul român al Afacerilor Străine, Mihail Pherekyde, acesta din urmă fiind interesat atât de situaţia Bulgariei, după criza din anii 1885-1886 , cât şi de atitudinea Marii Britanii faţă de perspectiva izbucnirii unui conflict între Franţa şi Germania.
La 30 ianuarie/12 februarie 1887, Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles avea să remită Regelui Carol I scrisorile de acreditare în calitate de trimis extraordinar şi ministru plenipotenţiar al Marii Britanii la Bucureşti. În acelaşi timp, reprezentantul britanic era şi purtătorul a două scrisori aparţinând Reginei Victoria adresate Regelui şi Reginei României.
În cele ce urmează reproducem câteva documente privind acreditarea lui Frank Cavendish Lascelles, descoperite de noi la Arhivele Ministerului Afacerilor Externe şi la Arhivele Naţionale Istorice Centrale, colecţia Microfilme, fond Anglia. Aceste documente ne pot oferi o imagine asupra ceremonialului de acreditare a diplomaţilor străini, după cum pot reliefa relaţiile particulare existente între monarhi.
No. 15 Bucharest
The Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. February 12, 1887
My Lord,
I have the honour to inclose a copy of a Note which I addressed to the Roumanian Minister for Foreign Affairs on my arrival here on the 9th instant transmitting to His Excellency the copies of the letters which The Queen had addressed to the King and Queen of Roumania to accredit me as Her Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.
In the afternoon of the same day, I had an interview with Monsieur Pherekyde who received me with great cordiality and promised to let me know as soon as possible when I should be received by the King.
The conversation then turned upon Bulgarian and His Excellency expressed his admiration of the conduct of the Bulgarian Regency and Government since they had been in Power. He said that he was afraid that the Bulgarian Question was far from being settled and that no progress towards solution seemed to have been made at Constantinople.
I took this opportunity of mentioning to Monsieur Pherekyde a conversation which I had had with the King of Servia on my way through Belgrade about six weeks ago, in which His Majesty had spoken of the possibility of a confederation of the Balkan States. His Excellency replied that, though such a confederation might eventually take place, it was quite out of the question at present. Under the existing conditions of things, it would be highly disadvantageous for Roumania to join in such a scheme. Her geographical position made it absolutely necessary for her to observe the greatest prudence and would, in the case of such a confederation being formed, expose her to very great danger without any counterbalancing advantage.
Monsieur Pherekyde having asked me what the impression in England was with regard to the maintenance of peace, I replied that, as far as I was able to judge, great anxiety prevailed as to the probability of war breaking out between France and Germany, that a belief had arisen among some people that Prince Bismarck was seeking to force France into a war and that his parliamentary difficulties were not sufficient to explain his warlike language.
His Excellency replied that he was aware that this opinion was entertained in London, but that he himself believed that the maintenance of peace was more threatened in the East than in the West.
I have the honour to be,
with the highest respect,
My Lord,
Your Lordship’s most obedient,
humble servant,
[Signed] Frank C. Lascelles
Copie Bucharest
No. 5 le 28 Janvier/9 Fevrier
Monsieur le Ministre,
J’ai l’honneur d’annoncer à Votre Excellence que je viens d’arriver à Bucarest muni de deux lettres de Sa Majesté La Reine, mon Auguste Souveraine, l’une adressée à Sa Majesté, Le Roi de Roumanie pour m’accréditer comme Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté Britannique auprès de Sa Majesté Le Roi ; l’autre adressée à Sa Majesté la Reine pour lui annoncer ma nomination.
J’ai l’honneur de transmettre à Votre Excellence sous ce pli les copies de ces deux lettres de prier Votre Excellence de vouloir bien prendre les ordres de Leurs Majestés et me faire savoir quand Elles daigneront me recevoir.
Je Vous serais très reconnaissant, Monsieur le Ministre, de vouloir bien me faire savoir en même temps quand je pourrais avoir l’honneur de me présenter chez Votre Excellence.
Veuillez agréer etc. etc.
[Signed] F. Lascelles
A.N.I.C., colecţia Microfilme, Fond Anglia, Public Record Office, Foreign Office 104, vol. 62, Rola 157, c. 43-48.
CASA Bucuresci, 29 Ianuarie 1887
Domniei Sale
Domnului Ministru M. Pherekyde
Ministru al Afacerilor Străine
Domnule Ministru,
Luând ordinele M. S. Regelui am onoare a vă aduce la cunoştinţa Dvoastră, că Majestatea Sa va binevoi a primi în audienţă privată pe Exc. Sa Dnul Lascelles, noul Ministru plenipotenţiar al Marii Britanii, mâine Vineri, 30 ale corentei, la orele 5 ½ seara.
Primiţi vă rog, Domnule Ministru, încredinţarea prea înaltei mele consideraţiuni.
Prefectul Palatului
General Adjutant Grecianu
A.M.A.E., fond Reprezentanţi străini, dosar nr. 4, litera L, nepaginat.
No. 18 Bucharest
The Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. February 14, 1887
My Lord,
I had the honour yesterday of being received at an official audience by the King and Queen of Roumania for the purpose of presenting the letters addressed to their Majesties by Her Majesty The Queen accrediting me as Her Majesty’s Minister at Bucharest.
The ceremony took place in the usual form. I was first received by the King and addressed to His Majesty the speech of which I have the honour to inclose a copy. His Majesty replied by thanking me for the friendly sentiments I had expressed towards Roumania and assured me of the high value he attached to the friendship of Her Majesty’s Government. His Majesty also expressed the high admiration and esteem he entertained for Her Majesty The Queen and concluded with some flattering remarks about myself.
On leaving the King I had the honour of being received by Her Majesty, the Queen, to whom I delivered Her Majesty’s letter. Her Majesty, who deigned to receive me most cordially, alluded to the great kindness she had received at the hands of the Queen during her stay in England and expressed in warm terms her sentiments of grateful affection for Her Majesty.
I had also the honour of presenting Mr. Stephen and Mr. Browne, who at present form the staff of Her Majesty’s Legation to Their Majesties.
A question had arisen as to whether Mr. Browne, who holds Her Majesty’s Commission as Vice Consul was to be considered as forming part of the Corps Diplomatique, and as I had ascertained that his predecessor, Mr. Nugent, had been considered as attached to Her Majesty’s Legation, I had no hesitation in standing that Mr. Browne occupied a precisely similar position.
I have the honour to be…
[Signed] Frank C. Lascelles
I have the honour to place in Your Majesty’s hands a letter addressed to Your Majesty by the Queen, my August Sovereign, accrediting me as Her Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Your Majesty.
Your Majesty is well aware of the lively interest which Her Majesty and her Government take in the welfare and prosperity of Your Majesty and of the country of which Your Majesty is the Sovereign, and I can assure you that no efforts shall be wanting on my part to maintain and consolidate the good relations which so happily subsist between the two countries. I am convinced that in so doing I may count upon the cordial cooperation of Your Majesty.
As regards myself, I can only congratulate myself that Her Majesty has been pleased to select me for so important and interesting a post and I venture to hope that Your Majesty will deign to extend to me the same kindness with which Your Majesty honoured my distinguished predecessor.
In conclusion, I beg to be permitted to offer to Your Majesty my most cordial wishes for the welfare and prosperity of Your Majesty and of Her Majesty, the Queen.
A.N.I.C., colecţia Microfilme, Fond Anglia, Public Record Office, Foreign Office 104, vol. 62, Rola 157, c. 55-61.
Copy of a letter addressed by Queen Victoria to the King of Roumania
To My Good Brother
The King of Roumania
Sir My Brother,
Being desirous to maintain and strengthen the friendship and good understanding which happily subsist between Great Britain and Roumania, I have appointed Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles, Knight Commander of My most distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, to be My Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Your Majesty. I doubt not that Sir Frank Lascelles will fulfill the important duties of his mission in such a manner as to merit Your Majesty’s approbation and esteem, and to prove himself worthy of this mark of My confidence. I request that Your Majesty will receive Sir Frank Lascelles in a favourable manner and will give entire credence to all that he shall say to You in My name, especially when he shall assure You of My esteem and regard, and express to Your Majesty the sentiments of invariable friendship and highest consideration with which I am,
[manu regia] Sir My Brother
Your Majesty’s
Good Sister
Victoria R. I.
January 1, 1887
Copy of a letter addressed by Queen Victoria to the Queen of Roumania
To My Good Sister
The Queen of Roumania
Madam My Sister,
Having made choice of Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles, Knight Commander of My most distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, to reside at the Court of the King Your Majesty August Consort, in the character of My Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, I have charged him to deliver this letter to Your Majesty, and to convey to You the assurances of My sincere friendship and regard. I flatter myself that Your Majesty will receive him favourably, and that You will give entire credence to all that he shall have occasion to say to You in My name, more particularly when he shall express the sentiments of invariable attachment and esteem with which I am,
[manu regia] Madam My Sister
Your Majesty’s
Good Sister
Victoria R. I.
January 1, 1887
A.M.A.E., fond Reprezentanţi străini, dosar nr. 4, litera L, nepaginat.
CASA Bucuresci, 11 februarie 1887
Domniei Sale
Domnului Ministru M. Pherekyde
Ministru al Afacerilor Străine
Domnule Ministru,
Din Înalt ordin am onoare a vă remite în alăturare două scrisori Regale adresate M. S. Reginei Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei, Împărăteasă a Indiilor, rugându-vă să binevoiţi a face să parvie la Înalta lor destinaţie prin calea diplomatică.
Primiţi vă rog, Domnule Ministru, încredinţarea prea înaltei mele consideraţiuni.
Prefectul Palatului
General Adjutant Grecianu
A.M.A.E., fond Reprezentanţi străini, dosar nr. 4, litera L, nepaginat.
A Sa Majesté la Reine du Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande,
Impératrice des Indes
Madame ma Sœur,
Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles m’a remis les lettres par lesquelles V. M. a bien voulu l’accréditer près de ma personne en qualité de Son env. extr. Et min. plénipot. V. M. peut être persuadée que j’accueillerai toujours avec empressement toutes les communications que ce diplomate distingué fera dans l’intérêt réciproque de nos deux pays, dont j’ai également à cœur de voir les relations se multiplier et se développer toujours davantage. Je ne doute point que Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles ne justifies entièrement la haute confiance dont V. M. l’honore, dans l’accomplissement de sa mission, qui lui sera d’ailleurs rendue facile et agréable par l’accueil empressé qu’il recevra de mon Gouvernement, et c’est en remerciant V. M. pour tout ce que Son Ministre m’a dit de Sa part, que je saisis cette agréable occasion de Lui renouveler les assurances de la haute estime et du respectueux attachement avec lesquelles je suis,
[Manu Regia] Madamme ma Sœur,
de V. M.
le bon frère
Palais de Bucarest,
ce 17 février 1887.
A Sa Majesté la Reine du Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande,
Impératrice des Indes
Madame ma Sœur,
J’ai reçu la lettre que V. M. a bien voulu me faire parvenir par Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles, Son env. extr. et ministre plénip. près de notre Cour, et je m’empresse de Lui adresser mes plus vifs remerciements pour cette gracieuse attention. Les sentiments de sincère attachement que, des longtemps, j’ai voués à V. M. et l’intérêt constant que je porte à Son bonheur et à celui de tous les Siens, La persuaderont du prix que j’attaché aux témoignages d’amitié qu’Elle vient de me donner. La haute confiance dont V. M. honore Sir Lascelles le désigne tout naturellement à mon bon accueuil, et je La prie de croire que je serai toujours heureuse de le charger de renouveler à V. M. l’expression des sentiments d’affectueux attachement et de très-haute estime avec lesquels je suis,
[Manu Regia] Madamme ma Sœur,
de V. M.
la bon Soeur
Palais de Bucarest,
ce 17 février 1887.
A.M.A.E., fond Reprezentanţi străini, dosar nr. 4, litera L, nepaginat.
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